How to combat OpenAI ChatGPT?

We are working on a product that makes use of the same technology ChatGPT was built on. We look at billions of variables to determine if content was written by an AI, then we tell you how likely it is that an AI generated that content.

Will ChatGPT make education obsolete?

With the release of OpenAI's ChatGPT bot, we have entered a new era of the internet. However, this is nothing new. The widespread adoption of the internet challenged Academia and plagiarism. The response was anti-plagiarism software. The release of ChatGPT is nothing different.

Academia of tomorrow will be pretty similar as it has been. Today, there is widespread implementation of automatic plagiarism checking. Tomorrow, there will be widespread implementation of bot generated content.

When will your product be available?

We have a working model that accurately content generated by AI. We are working as fast as we can, but we hope to have our website and API up and running by January of 2023.

Educational Institutions

We are working on a toolset that will allow you to integrate with our tool the following ways:

Feature Request

If there are any features your institution would like, please send an email to

How much will it cost?

We are still working on pricing models and we will post them as soon as they are available.

Will your tool check for "traditional" plagiarism?

Our initial product is aimed at identifying bot generated content. However, we plan on integrating a "traditional" plagiarism detector for your convenience.


If you have any questions, please contact us at

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